Wednesday, February 25, 2009
SYLVIA is THE 1 hu removed the permissions as it is super inconvienient and tht now dis blog is free from "Awesome 105"(seriously..can't he/she choose a nicer name.).
Sylvia(in bad mood)
Posted on;
9:27 PM
Monday, February 23, 2009
um pepul, i havnt gottn my files yet n i dunno if sum files haf 2 b thick or thin so can z subject reps pls tak cals ordr? esp.history n geog?? n if u guys noe wat 2 buy pls tell me? i noe tis relly dumb but ii relly dunno. =1
Posted on;
10:11 PM
Hey guys okay sorry umm, girls.Okay for those who are in Mrs Willamme's Aesthetics class, please be reminded to bring the following on the 23rd of March,Monday for Aesthetics:1. Heels(any height)[not platform shoes]2. Jacket3. Aesthetics file(bring it from then onwards)4. Completed soft toy5. Sewing Kit(last time)6. Completed sewing of belt hook in scrapbookPlease do remember to bring it to make it an enjoyable lesson for all(:Thanks, Naz
Posted on;
8:40 PM
Attention to all users of this blog:
Please do not treat this CLASS blog as your own personal blog. Treat it with respect. Do not post stuff that is irrelevant to the class on the blog. If you want to post stuff related to only you, you might want to consider setting up your won blog and posting whatever you want there.
Please respect this blog and respect the class.
Posted on;
6:35 PM
Hey one-oh-fivers! Can you'll bring ur lit handouts for EL tmr? Miss Seah told me to inform every1 and tt was aft sch. I'll try to notify every1. So please bring ur Lit handouts.
Posted on;
6:12 PM
Posted on;
6:08 PM
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Hey 105! Just wanna tell u tat it is possible to log in into Moodle.
Posted on;
5:21 PM
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Posted on;
10:14 PM
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
hey guys! :D
ok just for a clarification / reminder ,
the class shirt!
ok today was kinda messy D;
everyone was talking but few people were listening.
ok guess we needa improve on that huh?
ok back to the point,,,,,,,
the class shirt!
those who are interested in designing,
you guys just design on a piece of paper.
include front and back deisgn,
COLOUR, MATERIAL (ie dryfit or cloth or
metal ahahs) and IF YOU WANT COLLAR OR NOT. :D
for those who don't want to design right,
just submit yr choice of colour.
it cannot be too colourful as it'll cost more.
so maybe abt 3 colours~?
ok so yea,
submit yr designs to either the welfare comm ( i think) or me!
then we'll do a voting.
in this case we have to do a majority wins cos its hard to please everyone, ok?
class logo,
just checking,
has it been confirm?
which is it?
HAPPY 13THH ADVANCED BIRTHDAY NAZ AND GEYU!!!WE LOVE YOU, (you know we do!) :DDDDDmay all yr wishes come true!!! :Dyay
105 rocks,
Posted on;
8:39 PM
Monday, February 16, 2009
hey ppl!!!
to sylvia: wat did u ppl mean abt the blog authors thingy??
i dun get im blur...
N E ways... hope u all r loving 105 '09 just as much as i am...
N support me at SYF!!!!
lol if yall want 2 la...
haha ok tts all 4 now!!!
niya ^^
PS add me on facebook. im most active over there.... NIYA KRISHH
thnx thnx thnx
Posted on;
9:03 PM
Hies Everybody!!! Sylvia Here....
If you want some song 2 be played on the blog...please email me @
State Song title and Artist!
OH yarh... And ppl... Try not to Flood the cbox!
kkaes... buaisss!
Posted on;
8:55 PM
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Hello! This is Nisha, ur PSL!! yay this is so exciting! ive never had a proper class blog to post on, and so this is my first! and ill NEVER FORGET THE EXPERIENCE!
wow. after looking at this i started like screaming and going 'aww' and boasting to all my friends about how cute u guys are! :P seriously, im soo proud of u all! ur soo bonded! and its a very very good thing.
ok so today was PSL session 5! i hope u guys enjoyed it! (and also learnt something.. HEHE) and i hope u all liked the brownie and the cards! and on a side note, i want to thank Perina and Joanna for the cute gifts they gave me :P it was very sweet of u! but i want to also thank the WHOLE CLASS for being so wonderful! that is one of the biggest and nicest gifts i could get on valentines day!!!! :D
so how are u guys doing? i dont really know what to post about here. hehe. but i shall post random stuff k! whenever i can :D oh and u know!! TOMORROW IS GIVE A HUG DAY 2!!! YAY! are u EXCITED? I AM! (but that means i should decorate more stickers ><.... but on the positive side, stickers are FUN) anyway, do u have any examx coming up? the sec 3s have a math exam on thursday D: and im scared. but in the exam, when i get all nervous, ill think about u all and become all HAPPY and then i can ACE my exam! :P (haha sounds very cheesy)
anyway, aahh I LOVE THIS BLOG! wow. its AWESOME! *tries to calm down after almost hyperventilating out of JOY and 'aww-ness'*
ok i think im writing crap now and might be wasting some of ur time :P so i shall end here, WITH A PHOTO THAT WE TOOK TODAY! YAY :D

OUR CLASS :D (without some important people, like ME :P haha JK, i like being ego)
ill upload the rest of the pics on FACEBOOK :D so, u can go see! :D (just add me!) but if u really want, i can upload them here too! but someone must teach me how to upload more than one photo. hehe :D
ok then! i think i need to go do homework :(
oh! u can add me on msn :D im like almost ALWAYS online. hehe. cos i can only concentrate and do my work if im online :P (but i think u guys should not follow in my footsteps, cos msn can be distracting!) my MSN id is, (haha please dont laugh at the unicorn part. i made it when i was in primary 2!! (:
oh but dont send emails to that id, cos i never check it. send it to my cooler gmail account : u can email me regarding ANYTHING :D ill be more than glad to reply (:
Nisha (:
Posted on;
6:44 PM
Activity card editted
Hey guys since the last post was half gone i will repost haha!
How to validate your activity card:
1. read all information that is written on the card itself.
2. Affix a trimmed down (approx. 2.5 x 3.5 cm) formal photograph in the 'lower sec photo' box
3. fill in the necessary particulars:
- Front- name
- Back- Year, class, index No, CCA, Sch Team (Y/N),SYF Rep(Y/N)
- *teachers' initial (may be done later)-You MUST get your CCA teacher's initial if you are a CCA school rep.
4.Return to ME(MIKI) by Tue,17 Feb.
5.Cards will be stamped and returned, ready for use.
Thank You,
Posted on;
6:29 PM
Hey ppl! Jennifer here. Aft privating the blog it'll be quite inconvenient to access the blog because you have to sign in to and stuff. So, I've invited people whose e-mail adds I know to be blog authors. Well I'm posting here to tell all of you that you can simply add yourself to the blog authors list.
Well, it'll be quite convenient for people who have blogs on because the class blog will just be in your own blogger account. Just go to the Dashboard and you can post and access the class blog without signing out from your blogger acc.
So please do add yourselves to the blog authors list. Thanks. :D
Posted on;
5:48 PM
hi everyone we just privated the blog cos sabrina put our personal details on it. and it is highly dangerous and ms seah will be super pissed off. ok? thks bye
charis miki sylvia and jennifer
Posted on;
3:00 PM
Friday, February 13, 2009
hey guys! turns out rehmat had a HIGH FEVER so whoever sits near her like Richelle Perina Jennifer... PLEASE BEWARE!!! Eat yr vitamins or smthg... Sabrina Leong :D.
Posted on;
10:53 PM
CLE Journal
Hi 105!
Shan Shan here..
here is the links for CLE
thanks Sylvia!
Hi....JiaMin here! Since Shan Shan has posted on the websites we can refer to for CLE...this is a reminder that we have to pass up our journals by this Friday ! Thx :)
Posted on;
10:34 PM
EL/Lit Journal Questions
Hi Sabrina Here! Hiee Everyone!
Umm I found the article online so here is he link. Hope it is useful!
Sabrina L. :D :D :D
here are the q.(s) for the EL/LIT journal.
1)What is your first impression of the students who admit to plagiarism?Are the reasons they give valid or justified?
2)Who is/should be responsible for this state of affair among undergraduates?
*please read the article first.
Posted on;
10:31 PM
Hi guys!!! (ahemm..sry..! Gals)
Pigeon Feather (Geyu) here!!!
Thx Sylvia 4 dis kool blog!!!!! *screams* *barks* *howls*
Btw, 4 super anime fans...Plz go: ta watch all kinds of animes...!!!
AHHH!!!I TOTALLY LOVE THIS BLOG!!! (Calm down=.=ll)
Posted on;
10:28 PM